How To Install Project Japan in GTA San Andreas
In this post, I will show you how to install project japan retextured 3.1
- HD Road texture
- New Peds
- New Posters
- Pink Tress & Grass
- Almost completely rewritten post-processing to achieve brighter and more natural colors.
- Added real Screen Space Reflections
- Slightly improved clouds
- HD Cars Reflections
- Improved global lighting
- Improved water shahder
- Improved weather
- HD Cars Reflections
- And a much more
- Download Mod Here. After Downloading and Extracting, open the extracted folder.
- Open Main Files SA- Single Player Folder Copy and Paste All Files into Your New GTA San Andreas Folder
- Open the extracted folder> the ENB Graphics Presets folder >Direct Render [SINGLE PLAYER] after pasting again.
- Open the folder of any of these preset folders on your computer, copy all files, and paste them into your GTA San Andreas folder.
- If you have a powerful computer, use the extra file. Now You Have Successfully Installed Your Mod, Launch The Game And Have Fun!
Guys, 👋 If you find any broken links, please leave a comment and I will fix them as soon as possible!
Thanks For Downloading This Mod
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